I recently sat down with Jamie Reed, a whistleblower who used to work in youth gender medicine. At the gender clinic where she worked in St. Louis, Missouri, Jamie was in charge of patient intake. Minors came into the clinic describing body distress, gender non-conformity, or simply a desire to become the opposite sex, and Jamie’s job was to send them on to get puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and even surgeries. Jamie describes a gradual process of realizing that something was terribly amiss with these “treatments.” She says leaving the bubble of gender affirmation was like leaving a cult.
In this interview, she describes the speed at which young kids would be funneled down the pathway of irreversible medical harm (it could take just one appointment for a teen girl to get testosterone). She says the medical directors of the clinic lied to state legislature, claiming surgeries were not being done on minors. The anecdotes and information she shares are harrowing but so important for us all to hear.
She also confirms something I wrote about on this blog from a 2017 study, which is the fact that some gender surgeons believe that the best time for a teen boy to get a vaginoplasty is before he goes off to college. Surgeons, therapists, and gender activists are actively pushing for minors to get surgeries that destroy their genitalia forever, and then lying about it to the rest of the world.
Big thanks to Jamie for coming on and speaking with me! I hope you all enjoy the interview.
It is really interesting to hear this interview after having read WPATH Files. Jamie's statements are corroborated by WPATH leaders' and members' own words.
Horrible! And so profitable!