Trans Surgeons are Performing Vaginoplasty on Minors
“Penile inversion” has been performed on boys as young as 15 in the US
“We are using transgender people as guinea pigs and the medical profession allows this to happen.” -an anonymous transgender surgeon
If you follow the trans debate, you probably already know that surgeons are performing double mastectomies on minor girls. What’s less known is that boys as young as fifteen are also going under the knife for trans surgeries.
In 2017, a shocking study revealed the truth about surgeons in the U.S. who perform vaginoplasty on minors. All the surgeons who gave information remained anonymous.
The study is called “Age is Just a Number,” a nod to some surgeons’ belief that age is not a barrier to this irreversible procedure. Of the twenty surgeons interviewed, eleven admit to doing “gender confirming” surgeries on boys too young to buy a cigarette or get a tattoo.
While some surgeons candidly express the pitfalls and risks of doing vaginoplasty on minors, others are less cautious. A few are very open about their belief that “age is arbitrary.” One surgeon, who admits to performing vaginoplasty on a fifteen year old boy, says: “What is going on socially with the patient is more important than the age.”
Some of the surgeons justify doing the operation on minors on the basis that these boys want to go to college “as women,” and that being able to date and have sex “as a woman” in university is an important social milestone. Surgeons lie to young men by telling them that their new “vagina” will make them a woman, and that they will be able to sleep with straight men.
Another reason cited for operating so young was that boys who get the surgery after they move out of their parents’ house are less likely to dilate–the painful process of inserting an instrument into the “neovagina” to keep it open. This aftercare, surgeons say, is essential to having a neovagina that stays open like a canal. Whether this actually works is far from settled. Surgeons have already been accused of using the dilation excuse as a way of blaming their patients for bad results from a Frankenstein-esque surgery that makes an impossible promise: to give a man a vagina.
How Frequently is This Happening?
While penile inversion on minors is still rarer than “teet yeet” (the slang term for mastectomies used by some gender surgeons) it is a growing issue that many people are simply not aware of.
Each of the eleven surgeons tell the authors of “Age is Just a Number” that they have operated on a range of one to twenty patients under the age of eighteen. Based on these numbers, we know that somewhere between 11 and 220 minor boys received this surgery as of 2017. Most surgeons in the study note seeing a significant increase in the number of minors requesting information about vaginoplasty or being referred by mental health providers. The surgeons predict a massive boom in the demand for this procedure, so we can guess that the number of victims has only grown since then.
The pool of potential patients is expanding every day as more young people come out as trans. There has also been an increase in surgeons who are training to administer vaginoplasty. Many surgeons are intrigued by this new frontier and excited by the money attached to it. According to “Age is Just a Number,” some of these surgeons are only receiving one week of training before doing vaginoplasties.
Meanwhile, activists continue to claim that this surgery constitutes “life-saving healthcare,” fighting to block bills that would ban this and other procedures on minors.
What is Vaginoplasty?
The seven to ten hour surgery consists of dissecting the penis and testicles, and inverting the tissue to create a canal–the surgeon actually inserts his finger to create a hole–which is then dubbed a “neovagina.” Some medical sources refer to this canal simply as a vagina–an example of the deception used to make young men think they can actually become women.
To line the inner walls of the “neovagina” surgeons typically use scrotal tissue or intestinal tissue. Both come with serious problems. With scrotal tissue, the preferred material, all hair has to be lasered off or else there is a significant risk of hairballs or painful hair growth inside the cavity.
However, using tissue from the intestines–specifically the colon or the small bowels–can cause some of the most horrific results. The abdominal surgery required to get the intestinal tissue can be life-threatening, and the complications can be quite disturbing. For example, while the colon vaginoplasty method is touted as making the “vagina” self lubricate, the fluid that comes out is actually intestinal secretions meant to help with digestion and to keep everything moving through the bowels. Using intestinal tissue to line the “neovagina” can also result in fecal odors, leakage of stool from the neovagina, and makes the canal susceptible to diseases of the digestive tract.
So if laser hair removal is available for the use of scrotal tissue, and using bowel or colon tissue can be so dangerous and disastrous, why use intestinal tissue at all?
The answer is one of the dirtiest secrets of the whole trans movement.
Because young boys who are transitioned early don’t have adult genitalia, surgeons sometimes have to resort to using colon grafts so that they have enough tissue to line the inner walls of the neovagina. The boys coming into the surgeon’s office for vaginoplasty have most likely prescribed puberty blockers and hormones. Their growth has been stunted and they have not developed adult genitalia. They are already feminized, chemically castrated, and have a micropenis. One surgeon in the study described the fifteen to eighteen year old patients as having “11 year old genitalia.”
When boys don’t have enough scrotal skin for the surgeon to invert, it sometimes necessitates the use of the dreaded intestinal tissue. The authors of “Age is Just a Number” predict that colon vaginoplasty will become more common in the US as more adolescent patients come in for the surgery after being treated with chemical castration drugs.
Some surgeons reported frustration at endocrinologists for prescribing kids puberty blockers because of how the blockers affect the surgery. One surgeon told researchers: “I don’t think that the hormone providers understand that when there is a micropenis, it’s a different surgery.”
Even without using bowel or colon tissue, “a foul smell of the vagina was observed in most patients” in one study. Other complications of vaginoplasty include rectal fistulas, wherein a hole opens between the neovagina and the rectum. This can cause “foul-smelling, brown, neovaginal discharge … [and] neovaginal passage of flatus or feces.” In layman’s terms, this means that for some patients, where their penis used to be is a hole that poops and farts.
“This Never Happens”

Profit Motive
In “Age is Just a Number,” some surgeons express concern that the growing market for trans “healthcare,” is luring in subpar surgeons who are performing low-quality vaginoplasties out of greed. One surgeon explains that newcomers to the field are unprepared for the complicated surgery, to the detriment of the trans patient:
“I have seen horrific unethical practices by surgeons who lie about their experience and horrific results surgically as a result of that. We are using transgender people as guinea pigs and the medical profession allows this to happen… And now all of a sudden because it’s in the media, and really, the biggest reason for why everyone is doing it now, is the money is flowing. Because now insurance is paying. Seeing a week’s worth of surgery—maybe for a mastectomy, or maybe for an orchiectomy, or some of these other surgeries that are closely related, but this surgery is very advanced. The complications have severe consequences on patients’ lives and you can’t learn it in a week. And that is what’s happening; someone is going to see someone with a reputable name; they learn for a week, and they start doing them. And that is completely unethical!” -Surgeon 14 from “Age is Just a Number”
The rapidly increasing patient flow, the insurance payouts, and the social glory that comes from helping young people transition all contribute to creating a gold rush into the field of trans vaginoplasty.
One Adult’s Experience with Vaginoplasty
I recently published an article here on my substack about a young man who underwent vaginoplasty. A “sexual lobotomy” is how this former patient describes the procedure. Shape Shifter, which is his internet pseudonym, had the surgery in his early twenties and has suffered ever since from complications, additional revision surgeries, and horrible regret. Shape Shifter experienced “vaginal stenosis,” a result where the “neovagina” closes up in the body’s attempt to heal. This means that the goal, to have sex with the new hole made in the body as if it was a vagina, is obliterated.
Shape tells his heart-wrenching story articulately, with a vulnerability that is impossible to forget. “I 100% feel like I was part of some cruel medical and social experiment,” he explains, going on to say that vaginoplasty is not worth “losing your male sex drive and energy.” He experiences phantom limb sensations, dreams of having his penis back, and says that the therapist who recommended he get the surgery now rebuffs his attempts to get in touch.
Shape Shifter identifies as a feminine male, and talks about how as “trans became this hot label,” men like him started to believe that they really were, or could be made into women. He also suffers from hormone related osteoporosis and scoliosis. Shape Shifter says that he knows of others like him who suffer from stenosis after vaginoplasty, that what the surgeons don’t tell you is that the body tries to heal itself by closing up the “neovagina.” Shape’s story sheds light on what young trans-identifying boys might have in store if they go through with this procedure.
What Transition Steals
The horror of regret after this or other irreversible trans surgeries is beyond anything most of us will ever experience. It is the nightmarish reality of the amputee, the grief of being permanently sterilized, permanently sexless, having lost forever the very thing you were pursuing: the parts that would let you give and receive intimacy and pleasure.
To restate a point from my last post: There is a slogan of the trans movement that goes “being gay is who you go to bed with, and being trans is who you go to bed as.” Yet the trans movement is fighting tooth and nail for trans-identified people to have the “right” to destroy their ability to ever “go to bed” and enjoy it again. Those who claim to “protect trans kids” are the worst enemy imaginable to so-called trans kids. Gender ideologues believe that individuals (including children) have the right to destroy their body parts, and that to ban these practices is a form of discrimination.
As Abigail Shrier points out in Irreversible Damage, cosmetic surgery is not meant to damage or change the function of a body part, only to change its form. If you get a nose job and you can no longer breathe through your nose, that’s a botched surgery and you might decide to sue the surgeon. Trans surgeries, like all cosmetic surgeries, are the decision of the patient, setting them apart from medically necessary procedures.
Trans surgeries are intended to destroy or obliterate the body parts they target. Girls and women who get elective mastectomies to pretend they are men will never breastfeed; their breasts have been removed permanently. Men and boys who undergo vaginoplasty have their genitals dissected and inverted, leaving them fully castrated for life.
What other legitimate health problem entails the patient deciding their own course of treatment and choosing their own surgeries?
We are at the edge of a precipice where greed, ideological hubris, and the ego of doctors will push many more individuals into this meat grinder before the scandal explodes and the industry falls. Those of us on the sidelines can only watch in horror and attempt to document what is being done to people’s lives and bodies in the name of the trans movement.
Sasha, all of this information is so important and is suppressed. It's very telling that even in this climate of TQ+ brainwashing, these doctors have to remain anonymous. Just the 7-10 hours under anesthesia is unusual and dangerous. Anesthesia can have long term effects on the brain. It's been suggested that many adults experience depression after significant surgeries, and the anesthetic working on the brain has been brought up as a possible factor. (sorry, no studies to cite for this) Now that Norway, Sweden, Finland and the UK have reversed medical protocols to include quality psychotherapy and restrict hormones and surgeries to closely monitored studies, we should be keeping our ears to the ground regarding any increased teen suicides. Finland changed policies in 2020, if memory serves, and we do not hear about a spike in suicide attempts.
The quality psychotherapy approach should be combined with various mind/body modalities for reducing anxiety and increasing coping skills in these youth. Chiropractic acupressure, Feldenkrais physical therapy and Alexander mind/body work are just three potential modalities. Yoga, when it isn't involving the religious threads of some brands, is also worthwhile meditation. Gardening therapy, music therapy and art therapy are also worthwhile possibilities, as long as they are uncaptured.
Here's a dialogue between me and Exulansic regarding the dopamine hits in the pretend play of crossdressing:
This happened to Jazz Jennings on television.